Friday, January 7, 2011

Flashback Friday!

On Christmas Eve, my dad and my brother came to our house for dinner and to watch It's a Wonderful Life. We had such an awesome time!!! My dad brought a huge box full of old pictures and we had a blast looking through them and laughing at each other! I thought it would be fun to share a few of my favorites with y'all!!

Wearing my Paw-Paw's boots! I guess I was destined to be a line dancer!! ;)

HAHAA!!! This picture cracks me up everytime I look at it! What is with these hats?! I'm the goober on the left in case you didn't pick that up. :)

A true vintage Coke shirt!! I see them everywhere now but this here is an original. Hahaha

Hope y'all have a fantastic weekend!!! :)


  1. Haha these are all too cute! Looking back at childhood pictures is always so much fun and always leads to some really great laughs. Those hats go PERFECTLY with your dresses ;)

  2. Cute pictures girly! Hope you have a fabulous weekend. It's super snowy here ...yuck


  3. LOVE those pictures...and the coke shirt! :)

  4. so cute! I love looking back at old photos.

    .. and I love your coke shirt!

  5. aww your were adorable! I love old pics!! =)That coke shirt rules btw!

    Melanie's Randomness

  6. Awesome. I just love vintage photos. I think I might have to dig some out at my parents' house. They are the best.

    You look so cute in those big boots. I LOVE the vintage Coke shirt, too. Very cool!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I love looking at vintage photos too..Those are so beautiful:) happy friday, darling

  8. Those are too cute! I love the one of you in boots!

  9. How precious :) Is that second one an Easter picture? We totally wore bonnets and gloves for Easter when I was little, haha!

  10. You're truly an original too! Adorable post, I love flashbacks!!

  11. Too cute, A! I love it when GG wears my funny!

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Hi Amy! I love looking at old pictures of family. It brings back such great memories...and stories!
    I saw your comment about you checking out my has been so long since I have done anything with it, it is pretty much non-existent! Thank you so much for the support though! I make hair clips sometimes and friends have bought them. I should really take down the link on my blog. I have some new ideas in the works, so stayed tuned! Praying I can get my new ideas going!
    I hope you are having a great week! xo

  13. These are just too cute! I love the one with Paw-Paw's boots! Isn't going through old pictures so much fun? :)

  14. I love the photos - especially the hats and boots! You rock it, girl!!!

  15. Awww, thanks for sharing! How cuuute!

    PS. It was a "Muddy Buddy" night here, too. ;)

  16. OMG those are such a cute photos...awww
    Have a relaxing weekend,sweetie
