Monday, October 11, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Good morning!!!!!!! I have missed y'all so much! I have been insanely busy the last couple of weeks and my blog has suffered. :(  I have so much to tell y'all though!!

(1) I have created a new blog for my cupcake shop!!!!!!!! I'm so super excited about it!!! Please check it out when you get a chance and follow me! Sweet! Cupcakes & More  Isn't the blog design AMAZING?! Details coming soon!!

(2) Speaking of my cupcake shop...things are going so well!! Better than I could have ever imagined! I did 2 birthday parties this weekend and I have 3 more coming up next week! It keeps me way busier than I thought it would but I love it! I can't wait to share the pictures with y'all!

(3) I know I've talked about this before...but I am FINALLY starting school again!! I managed to get in 1 short session class starting Wednesday. I'll get that out of the way and then start my full load in January. I am so darn excited I can't contain myself. I am going for an Associate of Arts degree for now which gives me freedom to transfer into a number of things. However, I have decided to get a certification in Medical Laboratory Science. I am so interested in medical research and studies and I never thought I could actually get into that. I thought it would take too long and I don't like to touch people or anything like that so I never pursued it. A couple weeks ago I heard about MLT and it's basically background medical stuff. Labs and research. Exactly what I wanted and I can get certified in 2 years. I know I'm rambling but I'm so excited!!!

(4) I can't talk about all of this without mentioning where I've found the strength to get where I am today. The last couple of months have been really hard. With personal medical problems, slowly closing down our family run business, going on unemployment...etc. I have been scared to death. I am full of advice when it comes to other people's problems..."Trust God" "Don't worry about it, God will take care of you" but when it comes to myself, it's easier said than done. I have been praying like crazy every day asking God what in the world am I going to do? I've lost my job, I can't have children, I can't afford to adopt or get an egg donor, I have no idea what I want to do with my life...Please help me! Well, for months I felt as if my prayers would never be answered. Then suddenly things seemed to fall into place. My cupcake business took off, I finally decided and feel good about going back to school, I got some of my medical problems worked out and I have even somewhat been able to look at pregnant women and babies without crying for once. Things are coming together and God has really blessed me. He always has...I think we all just get into our own little pity party sometimes and forget what all we've been blessed with. If anyone is going through something tough right now...please know that number're not alone and number two...keep holding on! The light at the end of tunnel is not far!!

(5) Wednesday is my birthday!! I am turning 27 this year and this is the first year I haven't been excited about my birthday. I don't even feel like celebrating! I hate to be that way but I've been in an "I'm getting old!" slump lately. To be honest...I wouldn't want to be in my late teens or early twenties again. I am extremely happy at my current age. I just don't want to get any older! ;)

(6) Tonight I'm getting my hair done!!! I usually do it myself, but I'm wanting some highlights and I haven't quite mastered foiling my own hair. Hahaha. I'm going to go do a light brownish red highlight. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

I'm sure I'm leaving out a hundred things...but I can't think of anything else right this second. Plus, I'm itching to catch up on y'alls blogs!! Love you guys!! Hope y'all have a wonderful day! :)


  1. So happy to see you back! And even MORE excited about all the great things that are going on for you. :) God is so good! I love the positive attitude you have adopted and the ways that you see God blessing you each day. Have a great Monday lady!

  2. Nice to see you back!! Happy early Birthday:)
    Ill have to go check out the new blog:)

  3. Glad you're back!!! It sounds like everything is working out perfectly! God truly does let everything fall into place! Your new field sounds so interesting!

  4. I am glad you're back! We're going to be hair twins since that is exactly what I did last week! Mine came out more subtle that I sort of wanted, so err on the side of bolder if you want them more dramatic!

    I love your cupcake blog, the design makes me think of all things sweet, so it fits it perfectly. I am looking forward to a ton of yummy cupcake pictures!

  5. Yay! So glad you're back! I am excited for you! So many wonderful things happening for you right now! Keep in touch, friend!

  6. So glad you are back....I was worried...I hope to get my ipod up and running...I am missing Words...glad your cupcakes are such a success...wish I had red velvet right now!! You are truly a bright spot!

  7. I am very happy to hear about your good news! You are a very kind and sweet person. Keep up with the optimism. You were going through a lot, and you've became a stronger person as of today :).

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about all that you've been going through. But happy that you're starting to feel better and your cupcake business is taking off, you're going back to school, and you're in a better place. You're a strong person with a positive attitude and that can take you everywhere you need to go. Can't wait to see the pictures of your cupcakes!


  9. Welcome back, Amy! We missed you. I love that you did 2 parties! Your cupcakes look amazing and I wish I lived close so I could enjoy one.

    xo M

  10. Yay!!! You're back! And I'm glad things are falling into place for you! It sounds like a lot of life-changing things happened at once, which is not easy. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. However, your cupcake logo is fantastic!! Love it! and I can't wait to watch your business thrive!

  11. Have seriously missed you! I am so excited that your cupcake business is going well! Hope you have a fabulous birthday and I cant wait to see your hair! Good luck back to school


  12. Welcome back, we've missed you!! I'm so glad to hear about all the progress you've been making in your life!! I always try to think of it as "one step back, and two steps forward" because I know that even when I suffer a set-back, as long as I learn something from it, I will pick myself up, and move foward, even if it takes a while to get there!! :)

  13. Hey, good to have you back! I came by a couple of times so I noticed that you weren't there! I hope your hair turns out even better than you'd expected and I am so happy for you that things are finally working out again. And about not wanting to get older... yeah tell me about it, I'm not too keen, either :-) I'm off to check out your new blog!

  14. Wow- girl you have been busy. Okay- where do I start
    1) So excited about your cupcake business! I am headed to check out the site after I leave this comment. I know your an awesome baker though and i know this business is going to take off like you wouldn't believe
    2) Congrats for going back to school. that is a big decision and a great one- especially during these times with the economy. I am so sorry to hear about your job but I know the Lord has the best for you and just think if you hadn't had lost it then you might not have started your cupcake business!
    3) Did not know about the pregnancy issues but my heart is breaking for you. I know the pain and sadness you feel or did feel or may feel again but I KNOW without a doubt that the Lord is going to bring you to a place where you will see his glory and you will see what he has in store for you. No doubt you would be an unbelievably mom but just keep praying and trusting in Him, he will never leave you or forsake you! Love you to pieces and glad your back and can't wait to hear about school and your business in the months to come! Love ya


  15. You sure have been busy! I've missed all your posts :) I'm so glad your cupcake business is going so great! Hope you have a wonderful week :)

  16. So glad you're back, I've missed you! So happy for your cupcake business and for going back to school. I know how much they both mean to you!! I'm glad things are starting to look up for you guys. If you ever want to vent you know where to find me, sweet friend! :-)

  17. Glad to see you back! I've thought of you and have prayed for you, so I am glad to see everything is going well! I love the logo for you cupcake business! I will check out the blog for that!!
    I am so glad your business is going well and that you are getting to do what you want to with school. All very exciting :)
    I can really relate to #4 because there has been a lot in my life lately that don't seem to be going quite right. I'm trying to hold on and just trust God!

  18. I've missed you! Congrats on starting your cupcake business and it sounds like it's off to a great start! I'm also glad you're in a better place now and things are starting to turn around for you.

  19. I'm so glad everything is falling into place right now- you totally deserve it!

  20. Oh how I've missed you! Congrats on your cupcake business, the new blog (I'm your newest follower), and school! :) Sounds like you have been one busy lady. And I'm SO glad things are looking up - so many exciting things to come for you!

  21. I'm following you at your cupcake blog! I LOVE it!
