I have a confession to make. Ever since I started reading Gone With The Wind...I have become OBSESSED with 1800's southern plantation life. I read through GWTW, Scarlett, and Rhett Butler's People in record time and have been searching online for more books like them!! I just can't get enough. My husband even found me a plantation house built in 1852 FOR SALE in SC!! Hahaha. Oh how I wish I could buy it and spend my days fixing it up to look just like it would have in the 1800's.
I told y'all I was obsessed. Click here to see the MLS listing on the house!!! It's amazing!!!!!!!!
So anyway, back to my obsession. I know Scarlett is selfish and bratty and a bit promiscuous but other than that we actually have a LOT in common!!! I feel like I can relate to her in a lot of ways. I recently read a book called Scarlett Rules by Lisa Bertagnoli. It's great!!! It gives you 24 life lessons inspired by Scarlett O'hara. I love them all but I thought I'd share my favorite one with y'all.
Scarlett Rule 1
Pretty Is As Pretty Does
Although Scarlett was portrayed as drop dead gorgeous Vivien Leigh in the movie, it was made clear in the book that Scarlett wasn't beautiful.
"Scarlett O'hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm." - GWTW
What made Scarlett different from every other average looking girl in the world is that Scarlett was unaware of her lack of beauty. Scarlett knew how to dress to play up her figure, and she know how to act make men (and women) forget she was anything but ravishing.
Truly charming people make anyone feel that he or she is the only person in the world. They know how to deliver a compliment and how to accept one. They know how to make people feel good about themselves and about life, no matter what the circumstances.
Charm is a skill that takes cultivating. What does it take to be like her, the woman whose entrance makes a party, whose smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds, who's invited everywhere and then some?
She listens. She doesn't interrupt. She doesn't reply to an anecdote with a quick "Oh, that happened to me once!" She lets the story, however trite, long or boring belong to the teller. She remembers people's names and details about their lives: new job, new baby, new home. She asks to see baby pictures, sparing proud new parents the awkwardness of an unwanted show and tell.
She gives well considered, straightforward compliments with no hidden meaning. She knows how to accept a compliment. She knows the proper response is Thank you. How kind of you. No embellishment or argument needed.
A charming woman says thank you and please. She handwrites thank you notes even if she's already thanked the giver in person.
There's so much more to that section but I managed to squeeze my favorite parts in there. I think we all need a reminder of how to be charming every now and then. I think my main issue is with compliments. I ALWAYS say Oh stop!! That's ridiculous... Or you're crazy!! or something like that. Of course I need to work on all of it!! I need to go to charm school for sure. Hahaha.
So enough about my obsession with all things GWTW and Scarlett O'hara...what's YOUR favorite book of all time??